Sunday, March 8, 2009

these are some of the reasons i should feel happy:

sarah toa, god bless her, has given me the run of the top shed for a studio. i spent a couple days clearing it out, and took a serious load of very old shite to the tip, stuff still there from last time i cleaned the house, about ten years ago... but the bees i'm loathe to move because of the engulfing smell of wild honey. so now i've got no more excuses to do something creative:
apart from the abominably bad mood i was in today.
i have a number of reasons for feeling like shit: my right nostril was blocked (i'm usually more equananimous when it's my left nostril that's blocked,) i watched 'the devil wears prada' last night which has added itself to my list of all time unfavorite movies; and i seriously need to stop smoking.
i can't remember the rest of the reasons, or i'm not prepared to be so self-revealing in public.

hope you're all well out there in the blogosphere. i love that you all enjoy reading this. it'd be even cooler if you posted a few comments occassionally. it get's pretty boring typing for an audience of two.
(thanks sarah, sasch, welcome robin!) i don't care what you say, just let me know you're out there!


sarah toa said...

Hi! (Yes, I've just booted everyone out so I can write a thesis critique but i'm so busy browsing's just impossible. Ok, back to work. x)

chrissie said...

hi! that's very funny! i'm gigglling a lot. it makes you sound like a very naughty girl.
how far d'ue get today?

the word of the day is 'cherb' which is like a naughty cherub i think.

chrissie said...

hi! that's very funny! i'm gigglling a lot. it makes you sound like a very naughty girl.
how far d'ue get today?

the word of the day is 'cherb' which is like a naughty cherub i think.