Saturday, October 1, 2016

This grey cloud.

I met the transcendent cloud today. It was much larger than I expected. Part of its beauty was that it was the first grey cloud.

My stomach lurched as we burst into the realm of angels. I expected turbulence. But it was a singular cloud. Calm was reinstated instantaneously.  

All around the wheels were full of white clouds, some larger, but it was a sudden and unexpected grey. It felt so friendly, and so intense. It was like meeting an idealised version of myself. I have so longed for this encounter and I immediately fell in love. I, who am incapable of deep feeling, fell. I, who so generally and imperfectly encounter others in my flight through the world, realised perfection. 

Some question my authority on clouds saying I am not even able to distinguish the five categories.

They are right, I am no expert. But they even doubt my capacity to encounter one so meaningfully without so much as a brief introduction. They claim it is pointless to exterpolate beyond the simple momentary congregation of water droplets rendered visible by the slight variation in temperature from the air around. It is but a single molecule repeated billion-folds. But I wonder, are they significantly different in this respect? Maybe a slightly more complex conglomeration of chemicals, but not markedly different in numerousness nor temporal persistence, compared to the vast empty sky of time in which we all accumulate. It is not even summer yet.

22 Sept 16

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