Monday, September 7, 2009

"Panorama" panorama.

A view from a morning of my stay in the caravan at Panorama. Forgive my melodrama, six weeks is no time at all; but this morning I just can't shake the feeling that the prison I am in is closing too tight. I stictched this together because I needed to feel that what I long for is really real.
If only I was clever enough to live in this walnut and count myself a king of infinite space...then I suppose I wouldn't be longing, I wouldn't be living for a future elsewhere, I wouldn't be dreaming of projects that imagine a new world of possibilities, using trees and moss and communal spaces terraced roof gardens, retaining walls as houses, places where one might have an opportunity to live with your neighbors, in a street that is the extension of the is a horror to wander in an empty city, morning after morning, evening after evening, street after street after suburb after highway after everyone has disappeared.
Highlight of my ramblings was a Sunday afternoon soccer in the local park. A beautiful game, simple, elegant. Hume in the white, all-Iraqi boys. Played Preston (Darebin) in orange. 3-1 Hume, those boys were fast and pre-cise!
Each verbal encounter is a shining light in my pedestrian world.
I don't want to live in this box anymore!


Dr Mad Fish said...

I can't blame you Chrissie, but hang in there. When I am feeling like this I just take one step, one act, one day at a time and that usually helps.
6 weeks will go really quickly.

chrissie said...

Thanks Michelle.

sarah toa said...

Longing is part of evolving methinks. But re; neighbourhood design, I don't want to live with my neighbours, they're rude and nasty.

chrissie said...

i think you're right about longing; it feels like there is a lot of change going on in this organism.

what if you could choose your neighbours?

sarah toa said...

Thats a spiky question! I don't know. What if the neighbours could choose or not choose me? It reminds me of picking out the netball team in the school gym, with all the geeks left til last.

chrissie said...

It is a tricky one. but let's hope not as brutal as the social system around netball!

by the way, michelle, one step at a time is definately the answer! i'm living day by day-and only 21 to go!!!