Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Stayed in Mississippi a Day Too Long

There's only one thing that I did wrong, I stayed in Mississippi a day too long.

I'm lying on the floor all evening drinking roses off the ceiling, organ grinder's in the kitchen. And the flowers on the window ledge withered.
My heart is like the ocean, a cloud passes and I'm turned deep blue.
This passion, this fire my desire I'm sure it's all burned out.

Get up off the floor. Go outside.
Listening to your hymnals makes my mouth
I cannot become your hand, your skin, your love. I can't hold you open; trumpet to my lips all night I linger on the verandah, translucent.
My sister talked sense to me and now I'm not longing for you, just longing to long. Just waiting on the verandah, my lips,
my legs open, waiting for the blood to flow.
The tide is going out on my love, I can't
stop it.
My heart is not so warm, my mouth is covered over by this right hand too white and dusty for night.
Oh boy, give me back
dusty tires from too many places I've left behind,
the dirt roads of my country ramblings.
I can't give you anymore, even when you call my name. Did I offer too much, much more than I could take? Was I supposed to wait?
I gave you my black velvet jacket, zipped you up and now I'm cold.
Give me back my black velvet jacket and the 30 bucks I lent you for gas, I need to get the hell out of here.
I turn my face away from the early morning,
call me mist. Headlights reflected as you leave me. I could be driving, so tight are my lips against the red rim of your glass. But I'm not even wet in bed under your covers.
Anyway I always planned to leave tomorrow,
I'm going fishing, see if i can catch more than a rock-cod of passion.

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