Tuesday, April 28, 2009


i've been a bit slack posting travel news, so i'm going to remedy it all at once!


sontag said...

So...tell me, how do you handle so much beauty?

Malaysians have a word for when you see something that is so beautiful, so overwhelming that it makes you want to cry.

We don't but I imagine we ought, don't you?

chrissie said...

Yes, we really ought to.

I think the only way I can survive that much beauty sometimes is to turn my back. Like TS Eliot said, humans can only handle so much reality.

I would also like a word for the warm echo in your body someone else's voice makes, the sound fingers make on guitar strings when they slide up and down and the tense pleasure tingles that sound sends down my spine.

sontag said...

Ah yes, beautifully put.

I think you could write a complete poem on that ...about where words fail us...at times, when the most exquisite experiences of living 'kick in'

you already have the makings of it... :)