Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hey ho beach!

I was starting to get that nervous feeling that someone might look at me, or worse still stop and talk to me and I knew it was time to get out of the house for at least a day. So me and the mutt went for a train ride down to Williamstown beach. The beach, the beach, ho! I was dying for the beach. And it was even better than I remembered. More water, more birds, more rocks, more bird shit on the rocks, more yachts on the horizon. (Phone camera couldn’t get these: hundreds of full spinnakers on the horizon. It was a surprise of canvas.)

And I thought, I’ve got this funny feeling that I’m going to find something really precious down here. I walked and waded and jumped from rock to rock, feeling the basalt under my thick soles. Little Yoshi followed along, leaping fearlessly from rock to rock, slipping into the water once or twice and enjoying a swim, sniffing around and chasing seagulls.

It was so idyllic. So lovely. So salty. So...and the tears came to my eyes, and I thought,
-Why am I in not in Albany? What am I doing here? I need to go home.
-How can I possibly think about going home, it's far too difficult. I’ve got a course to finish, I’ve got stuff to do, a house and garden to look after, I’ve got responsibilities and Stuff!
-Dammit, I’m going home!
So we played a bit more. We had a grand old time.
And I felt the best I have felt in so long. I felt so elated to be planning an adventure. We caught the train from the cutest station on the greater metropolitan suburban rail network and went back to good ole Sunshine to start packing and planning.
We’ll be gone by the end of next week. Away across the Nulabor.
Goodbye dirty old Melbourne!
Hey ho Albany!
Hey ho beach!
Just kidding: this is stinky old Footscray of course.


sarah toa said...

Yay! And the photos of the beach are beautiful but the air looks so grimy. What are you doing there again? See what spending a day at the seaside does? Can't wait to see you! X

chrissie said...

that was the day i decided: it's an overdue post.
but we went again today, just got back. the sea smells so good! and yeah, the air is foul. i tried to get some better shots today, i'll see if i can the blue-tooth thing happening.
it will be so good to see you too! packing is going well, slowish, but i'm really enjoying myself. i reckon sometime round aussie day i'll be there. joy!

Spencer Collins said...

So you are or are not coming to Albany? It's all too cryptic for lil ol me...

chrissie said...

i yam indeed!