Friday, February 27, 2009

a beautiful day today. went to frenchman's bay for a couple hours. caught a nice little salmon trout, which i am very excited about because i did it all by myself, took my own advice about the weather, decided where to cast, etc etc. a small victory! i am beginning to feel almost human again.

1 comment:

sarah toa said...

oooh a salmon trout! And so yummy too ... Am just listening to a cruise ship announcing its leave...Beats trains, trucks and cars changing gear.
Now that's four toots. Mmmm
three blasts ( from the skippers ticket book) "I am going astern". Five blasts "I am unsure of your intentions (practically) you are not following the rules - get out of the way."

I just heard a fifth. A bit of excitement of Carlisle street tonight!
from bayalase - a good word,no?