Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hopping Vampires

jiangshi, also spelled chiang-shih in Wade-Giles, and also known as a Chinese "hopping" vampire or zombie, is a type of reanimated corpse in Chinese legends and folklore... It is typically depicted as a stiff corpse dressed in official garments from the Qing Dynasty, and it moves around by hopping, with its arms outstretched. It kills living creatures to absorb their qi, or "life force", usually at night, while in the day, it rests in a coffin or hides in dark places such as caves.[1]  Wikipedia


You might like to check out this version:

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Plague

Even if you've seen this 3 or 6 times before you should watch it again, now. 

What do these words suggest to you?  "Jack" "sleep walking" and "bollock naked"?